Academic Considerations

Academic Considerations : 

Special Grades

INC, TI, ABX, and other temporary grades are not considered in the evaluation at the time they’re posted but are counted as course credits attempted and not completed at the next SAP evaluation point if they have not been converted to a letter grade. Audited classes never appear on the Yale College transcript and do not count toward SAP. CR grades are not counted in the qualitative calculation but are counted as course credits attempted and completed in the SAP quantitative calculation of pace.

Course Withdrawals

If a student drops a course after midterm, resulting in a W, the course is counted as attempted and not completed in the pace calculation.

Course Repetitions

Under YCPS Academic Regulations, when students repeat a course, both of those course grades count toward the cumulative GPA and both will count as credits attempted for SAP pace purposes.

Transfer Credits

Accepted transfer credits, including those earned during a term or year abroad, will count as course credits attempted and completed for SAP quantitative (pace) purposes. Individual study abroad course grades will factor into the SAP qualitative (GPA) calculations but will not appear on the Yale transcript.

Grade Changes

Grade changes made after an evaluation point will not affect a student’s current SAP status, but those changes will be included in the next SAP evaluation.