SAP Evaluation Frequency, Procedure, and Notices

SAP Evaluation Frequency, Procedure, and Notices : 

The Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid evaluates students’ SAP status with support from the University Financial Aid and Registrar Offices at the conclusion of each spring term or the end of a designated probation period. Additionally, a mid-degree SAP evaluation will be run for all students after their 4th term of enrollment. For students not meeting the standards described in this policy, Undergraduate Financial Aid will send a notice explaining their loss of eligibility and the appeal process.

SAP Statuses

Making SAP: Students in this status are meeting the qualitative and quantitative requirements of this SAP policy and are scheduled to complete their educational program within the specified Maximum Timeframe.

Not Making SAP – Loss of Title IV Aid Eligibility: Students in this category are not making SAP and are ineligible for Title IV federal Student Aid.

SAP Probation – Reinstated Title IV Aid Eligibility: Students who successfully appeal a SAP determination that resulted in a loss of federal financial aid eligibility will be reinstated for at least one semester on SAP probation. During this probationary period, the student regains eligibility for Title IV aid.