To remain eligible for Title IV financial aid, the US Department of Education (ED) requires students to meet certain academic standards, as defined by institutional policy. These standards include qualitative and quantitative measurements, as defined in the policies below. Title IV financial aid includes:
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
- Federal Work-Study
- Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
- Federal Direct PLUS Loans
Students enrolled at Yale College must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better.
Special Grades
INC, TI, ABX, and other temporary grades are not considered in the evaluation at the time they’re posted but are counted as course credits attempted and not completed at the next SAP evaluation point if they have not been converted to a letter grade. Audited classes never appear on the Yale College transcript and do not count toward SAP. CR grades are not counted in the qualitative calculation but are counted as course credits attempted and completed in the SAP quantitative calculation of pace.
Course Withdrawals
If a student drops a course after midterm, resulting in a W, the course is counted as attempted and not completed in the pace calculation.
Course Repetitions
Under YCPS Academic Regulations, when students repeat a course, both of those course grades count toward the cumulative GPA and both will count as credits attempted for SAP pace purposes.
Transfer Credits
Accepted transfer credits, including those earned during a term or year abroad, will count as course credits attempted and completed for SAP quantitative (pace) purposes. Individual study abroad course grades will factor into the SAP qualitative (GPA) calculations but will not appear on the Yale transcript.
Grade Changes
Grade changes made after an evaluation point will not affect a student’s current SAP status, but those changes will be included in the next SAP evaluation.
The Maximum Timeframe (MTF) within which students must complete their given program of study is 12 terms of enrollment (including Yale Summer Session), which represents 150% of the published program length.
Students not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards at any evaluation point will lose Title IV aid eligibility for all subsequent payment periods. For students who lose eligibility, federal gift aid (Pell and FSEOG) will be replaced with institutional scholarship; federal direct loans (subsidized, unsubsidized, and PLUS) will not be replaced with institutional loans.
Yale College students should meet with their personal financial aid counselor before any withdrawal or leave of absence to discuss the impact on SAP and federal aid eligibility.
Appeal Process
Students may choose to appeal their loss of eligibility based on their own injury or illness; the death of a relative; or other special circumstances. The appeal must explain why the student failed to make SAP and what has changed in their situation that will allow them to make SAP at the next evaluation.
Once notified, students will have fifteen days to submit an appeal to the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid. The appeal should include a plan for regaining eligibility. Plans will be reviewed by a committee including representatives from Undergraduate Financial Aid, University Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, and the Yale College Dean’s Office. The results of any appeal, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be communicated to students in writing.
Successful Appeal – Probationary Reinstatement of aid Eligibility
Students who successfully appeal a loss of federal financial aid eligibility related to SAP purposes, will have their federal financial aid reinstated on a probationary basis. During this probationary semester, students must follow their established academic plan to ensure they can meet SAP standards by the next evaluation period.
Regaining SAP Without an Appeal
A student may also regain eligibility without appealing by taking action that brings them into compliance with the SAP standards (GPA, Pace, and Maximum Time Frame) by the next SAP evaluation (the end of each Spring term).
The Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid evaluates students’ SAP status with support from the University Financial Aid and Registrar Offices at the conclusion of each spring term or the end of a designated probation period. Additionally, a mid-degree SAP evaluation will be run for all students after their 4th term of enrollment. For students not meeting the standards described in this policy, Undergraduate Financial Aid will send a notice explaining their loss of eligibility and the appeal process.
SAP Statuses
Making SAP: Students in this status are meeting the qualitative and quantitative requirements of this SAP policy and are scheduled to complete their educational program within the specified Maximum Timeframe.
Not Making SAP – Loss of Title IV Aid Eligibility: Students in this category are not making SAP and are ineligible for Title IV federal Student Aid.
SAP Probation – Reinstated Title IV Aid Eligibility: Students who successfully appeal a SAP determination that resulted in a loss of federal financial aid eligibility will be reinstated for at least one semester on SAP probation. During this probationary period, the student regains eligibility for Title IV aid.